What is the Joint Department of Veterinary Medicine?

In April 2013, the Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University Veterinary Medicine Program and the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University united to form the Joint Department of Veterinary Medicine, aiming for the further advancement of veterinary medicine education.

Gifu University and Tottori University established the Joint Department of Veterinary Medicine from their foundation of collaborative education, ongoing since 2009. We have established a standard veterinary medicine education structure compliant with the Model Core Curriculum to perform advanced and specialized veterinary medicine education as well as to strengthen its research structure against its complexity and advancement. The objectives of the Joint Department of Veterinary Medicine are the symbiosis of human and animals, upholding “animals and social connection” and “animals and human health and welfare” as keywords, and training specialists of not only animal health but all living organisms.

Educational goal of the Joint Department of Veterinary Medicine

The educational goal of the Joint Department of Veterinary Medicine is as follows:

  • Forming a thorough foundation through individual coaching and experience-based learning
  • Acquiring determined professional basics/applied knowledge of veterinary medicine
  • Acquiring the practical ability to make use of professional knowledge
  • Forming one’s foundation as a veterinarian with international validity and social abundance

Main characteristics of the Joint Department of Veterinary Medicine

  • The graduation diploma will be jointly signed by the presidents of Gifu University and Tottori University.
  • Enrollment limit is 30 students for Gifu University and 35 students for Tottori University (65 students in total).
  • Students are affiliated with both Gifu University and Tottori University, and therefore can use facilities of both universities. (There may be some facilities that are off-limits according to the university’s circumstances.)
  • Students will register for classes at the university of their respective registered domiciles to take lectures and hands-on programs; however, some of the professional subjects will be taken by the students of both universities at the same time through the Distance Lecture System. There are some lectures and hands-on programs where students move to the other university to attend.

Application and examination will take place at the university of the student’s registered domicile

The students will be students of both Gifu University and Tottori University; however, student’s registered domicile will be only one of either. Application for the enrollment examination shall be submitted to the university you wish to be your registered domicile and take the examination.

Payment of the enrollment fee and class fee and application for scholarships will be handled for each student at the university of the student’s registered domicile.

  • Application

    Submit enrollment application to only one of either university

  • Enrollment

    Enroll in each university

  • Education

    Lectures and hands-on programs are held in the same curriculum at both universities.

    • Liberal arts
    • Specialist education subjects
    • Graduation Research
    • Advanced education
  • Graduation

    Graduation diploma will be jointly signed by the presidents of both universities.